Deepika produced her first film Deepika Padukone has honored with the most glamorous star award at Filmfare Glamour and Style Awards which was held in Mumbai a few days ago. At the same time, Deepika Padukone's film Padmavaat released in January in 2018. Which garnered positive reviews despite pre-release protests against the film. Deepika did not sign any film after this film. After her marriage with Ranveer, Deepika again came into the acting mode and signed the first movie 'Chhapak '. Deepika is going to play the role of an acid attack victim named Laxmi Agarwal in this film. Recently, director Meghna Gulzar has shared a picture related to the film on social media .The yellow scarf is being seen in the image on which there are acid stains - this film based on the life of Lakshmi Agrawal , who is the victim of Acid Attack. Lakshmi's face badly burnt in this acid attack. But even after this Lakshmi Agarwal stood firm on herself. Deepika ...
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